Training for Professionals News

  • Sep 25/2017

    A Lettings Industry Voice makes a call for Regulation.

    The Lettings Industry Council wasformed in 2015. It was set up to help improve the PRS by finding ways to makerenting and letting better for all concerned without the need for legislationand where legislation is required, giving housing policy makers access torepresentatives across the lettings industry including tenant support groups;landlords; agents; redress and deposit schemes; professional and trade bodies;trading standards and suppliers ranging from inventory professionals through toNAPIT and UK Finance (previously CML)

    Theresa Wallace from Savills, thechair of the group said, “We have grown organically and have more than 65 membersof the group and we are delighted with the support to date.  This membership group make up various workingparties as required which address key issues that face the industry, landlordsand tenants today. For example, tenant fees, property rental standards,understanding how to make renting easier for tenants and the lettings fee ban,where TLIC are preparing a paper with the intention of sharing with DCLG on theeffects of a fee ban and the other services agents offer. We are in the processof completing this and it will be issued shortly.”

    Currently the TLIC has workinggroups on Tenant Fees, Property Standards, Licensing and Regulation.

    The Regulation group has beenmeeting with stakeholders in the industry over the summer to establish anoverall framework for how regulation could work. The group believes it has thebasis of a workable solution and calls on all agents and stakeholders to joinin the discussion.

    “Piecemeal regulation is not theanswer,” said Glynis Frew, chair of the Regulation group, “it is ensuring consistentenforcement that will make the real difference. As an industry, we have beenasking for regulation for years now, but our requests have gone unheeded but nowthere seems to be a concerted momentum for change. It is really exciting to seeso many industry and tenant groups in favour of it.”

    While most agents and landlords signup to member bodies which advocate high standards in the PRS, the group believethat the biggest cause of complaints from tenants, and indeed landlords is poorknowledge and education coupled with rare instances of rogue practices that mustbe eradicated.

    Now it has an initial propositionon agent regulation, the Regulation Group calls on all agents, both large andsmall, that would like to have a say to come forward. Please contact any of thefollowing member agents of the Regulation group if you would like to beinvolved.

    Glynis Frew; AndrewCulverwell;Nicola Thivessen

    The next TLIC meeting will beheld on October 12th in London from 2pm to 4.30pm, if you feel youwould like to learn more or join then please contact Theresa Wallace

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